
Medical Accounts - MEDACC Medical debtors software
Medical Billing Software

Please e mail us with your query/order and address details and we will send you a statement with our banking details.

Build your practice admin around your medical software

1 Sample statement - Allied practices &  dietitians
Statements are in strict accordance with what
the medical schemes want and what their clerks can handle - to minimise false rejections
2 For allied medical tariffs -  please email us for details
3 Medical scheme list -  please email us for details
4 Teamviewer (free for personal use)
5 Medical accounts install - please email us for details
6 Medical accounts Q&A - please email us for details
7 Medical accounts handout -  please email us for details
for Medical accounts manual - contact us - thanks
8 Quickmed Manual -  please email us for details
9 Quickmed Handout  -  please email us for details
10 DIETITIANS ICD10 - Only for our users
11 Compare Medacc with Pastel/Excel
12 GP ICD10 short list-medical practice -  please email us for details
13 Billing Bureau Information


PRACTICE MANAGEMENT Cost (Forex dependant)
view pop up info pdf
  R3 000
UPGRADE MA   R500 to R3000

We install our software on your computer using Teamviewer (the free download) and you can see what we do.
We also check your computer using Teamviewer and provide the user with "instant" support

Medacc , Quickmed & Medsur are our medical practice management and billing software.
We have Audiologists Dentists GPs Podiatrists,ot,
dietitians physicians nurses psychologists biokineticists surgeons and some other allied practitioners using our software
Our software can be web based and run through Dropbox
We encourage the emailing of medical claims statements in the BHF approved layout .
We have learnt a lot from running a medical bureau - billing software.
Please consider our software